Why Should Men Moisturise?

Why Should Men Moisturise?

“We are made of star stuff," Carl Sagan stated famously in his 1980s Cosmos TV series. But whereas he was arguably right, in larger proportion (about 60%) we are made of… water. Daily hydration is essential to a man's wellbeing as well as his skin. And we can definitely help you with the latter because we just happen to have created what we (humbly) believe is the best men’s Face Moisturiser on the market.

As barbers, we know exactly what your skin needs and how to keep it in best condition, so take our word for it – using a generic women’s moisturiser repackaged in a grey tube simply won’t cut it. Men’s skin is different to women’s. It’s slightly thicker and generally oilier, with rougher texture and lower pH. Also, daily shaving, pollution, and other external factors can easily affect its balance and moisture levels. This is why our Face Moisturiser contains clinically tested ingredients that ensure skin is always kept in top form.

One of these is Creatine, which you probably know as a supplement to your gym workouts. In Face Moisturiser it increases collagen production, building your skin’s strength, firming and fighting lines. Who says there’s no gym for the face?

Crucially for any active, city dwelling man, Face Moisturiser also contains Vitamin C. This delivers anti-pollution protection, alongside Hyaluronic Acid (it took us a few goes too) – a natural, water-binding powerhouse that attracts and locks in moisture.

What makes this product great is also highlighting what we chose to leave out. You may recall our recent Clean Label post where we talked about it in more detail, but suffice to say that our Face Moisturiser does not contain any unpleasant or unnecessary ingredients that could be bad for a man’s body. Including potentially carcinogenic preservatives (parabens), or texture-enhancing but pore-clogging silicones.

You may also be surprised to know that we left out sun protection. The reason for this is very simple. SPFs are designed to sit on the surface of skin, forming a barrier to reflect or absorb UV rays. This is, however, counterproductive to getting all the actives and moisture delivered to your skin. So if you are going out in the sun – just add a layer of SPF specific product on top.

Just two pumps of non-greasy Face Moisturiser twice a day will absorb instantly and give your skin the moisture and nutrients it needs, keeping it smoother and firmer from the very first application. Surely it’s a lot easier than consuming the recommended 3 litres* (or 12 glasses) of water a day. Which, of course we also solemnly encourage you to do. And to give you a head start, we will let you count that glass of whiskey or beer you can enjoy in our barbershops.

*The amount varies depending on your age and where you live. Also some of the water we need comes from food.

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