Mark's Story: in support of Movember.

Mark's Story: in support of Movember.

When we arrived at the Covent Garden store at around 3pm on a Friday afternoon everything pointed towards a business-as-usual type of day. The sound of barbershop chatter, the gentle hum of buzzing clippers and sharp scissors crisply cutting hair filled 18 Monmouth street. Simply symphonic. What we didn't expect was to meet one of the more inspiring individuals you'll likely ever encounter and subsequently engage in a conversation that places seemingly everything into perspective. All whilst kicking back and enjoying a trim. Discover Marks story, in support of Movember, below.

The moment Mark entered the store you got a sense of a man who, by his own words, "challenges all the norms". From his superb Stetson hat, epic beard and square toe cowboy boots, this was a man who lived by his own rules.

As Mark settled into the barber chair his relationship with Store Manager Billy was clear to see. 

"How's everything going?" Billy asks

"It's been all good, apart from the obvious ... West Ham!" replies Mark.

As a Spurs fan, Billy regrettably can't offer much support in that regard.

Their unique relationship highlights everything we love about barbering, aside from the obvious, it's the ability to create meaningful connections with our clients. Bill and Mark spent the next few moments discussing the essentials; more football, country music and Mark's latest challenge - his cancer diagnosis. 

"It’s another thing on the list; Do some painting, pick up some tiles & sort my cancer out" Says Mark.

 This open attitude towards life's challenges was something we very quickly learnt about Mark, whether this stemmed from his 23 years in the navy, his history of competitive rodeo or pursuit of fitness we don't know - but it's perhaps best personified this: despite the challenges presented with his diagnosis, Mark will be playing field hockey tomorrow and competing in HYROX in just a few weeks’ time.

“It’s that positive attitude and looking after yourself, you only get one body, look after it” says Mark.

 Whilst Billy is meticulously shaping Marks beard, the conversation flows from their mutual admiration of Christopher Nolan's films ‘Tenet' & 'Inception' to Mark's initial diagnosis.

Mark says he "had no symptoms at all" but after a bi-annual health check, it was discovered through a blood test that Mark's PSA was extremely high. Shortly after, the prostate cancer was diagnosed, and Mark was made aware it had reached his lymph nodes.

Mark recalls thinking - “This is where we are, this is it, let’s just deal with it”. 

To be so pragmatic in the face of such a challenge, left us silenced with admiration. 

Fortunately Mark broke the silence with some more inspirational words - “The whole subject of cancer scares people, the fact is, it’s not something to be scared of anymore. More people survive cancer than die from it.”

Whilst Billy places the hot towels on Mark's freshly trimmed face we dig a little deeper into Mark's approach and openness about the subject, we discuss our own experience as Mental Health First Aiders and the stigma around Men's unwillingness to freely discuss their health, both physical and mental.

“If you deal with it and talk about it, it makes you more of a man in my opinion.There’s no use resenting it, or trying to look back on things because life doesn’t work like that ”. says Mark. 

"That’s why I’ve been so open about it, I want people to get used to talking about it”. Mark continued.

 That statement really hit the crux of our entire conversation. Our collective aim in coming together and sharing this story is to encourage the openness to men's struggles that Mark is so admirably exhibiting. 

Mark and Billy agree; “It’s not about being embarrassed”.

As Billy applies the finishing touches we take a moment to discuss Mark's support group. 

"My husband, my husband's family, my own family and my place of work have been fantastic" 

"It's nice to know I'm not on my own" Mark continues.

When discussing how short to go with the mustache Mark and Billy chuckle as they're both acutely aware they're under strict instructions from Marks Husband with regards to the length.

“now I’ve got cancer I thought there’d be more sympathy!” Quipped Mark.

As the chuckles subside and the service and conversation come to an end, we discuss how we hope to use Mark's story as a positive, 1. to encourage men to talk about their health and 2. to raise funds in support of Movember to help those who're going through similar situations.

As hands are being shaken and goodbyes are being distributed Mark says

"Spurs 1 West Ham 3"

Bill replied with a wry smile on his face "That's why you're my favourite client"

First as foremost all of us here at Murdock wish to thank Mark for allowing us the opportunity to share his story. He's an inspiration and it's been our honor to spend time with him and share this story.

As mentioned above our objectives here are simple, to raise awareness around men's health, encouraging men to be open about their health and ultimately play our part in breaking down the stigma associated with men and their health. Secondly, we will be hoping to raise funds in support of Movember, any donations would be hugely appreciated, you can donate and find out where your donations will be going here

If you found any of the topics discussed distressing, you can get adequate help/ support here.

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