Movember 2021: How To Moustache

Movember 2021: How To Moustache

What we now so familiarly refer to as ‘Movember’ has been expanding into a global awareness and fundraising hub since 2003. This was when a few friends in Australia reignited the moustache trend and started striking up open conversations about men’s health. It has been so inspiring to see it explode in popularity and participation year after year. Aligning with our #MoreThanABarber ethos and as barbers who take looking after men seriously, we can’t encourage taking part enough.

Movember is fuelled by men’s health campaigns and the ultimate goal is to prevent men from dying too young. Mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer are some of the major men’s health concerns targeted, with every Mo Bro and Sister taking part encouraged to campaign openly and creatively to raise funds towards great supporting projects.

Growing a Mo from scratch is a fun, accessible starting point for most guys to get involved and the rules are nice and simple: Start the month with a clean shave, then just grow and groom that upper lip hair throughout November while keeping the rest of the beard at bay. (You will find plenty of advice from our barbers on how to best manage a moustache below!)

Come December 1st you can not only give yourself a huge pat on the back for encouraging conversations and raising valuable funds for great causes, but you might also be surprised by how attached you become to your Mo.

We have seen all shapes and sizes in our barbershops throughout the years grown for good causes and expect 2021 to be no different. Stepping up to the challenge this year from the Murdock team is Covent Garden’s Finn, who wants to help ensure that support networks can be regained for vulnerable people who have had to live through the Covid pandemic in more isolated circumstances:

What has inspired you to take part in Movember this year?

I think this year especially is an important time to be raising awareness for men’s mental health. We have come out of multiple lockdowns in the UK, during which time a lot of guys haven’t had as much of a support network as they normally would have been used to. The pandemic for a lot of us has meant not being able to see friends, family or whoever it is that can help take minds off demons.

How important do you think it is that men’s health becomes a more open topic of discussion (in and out of the barbershop)?

It’s very important! Hopefully by doing Movember this year, I can help take the stigma away that guys ‘don’t talk about what they’re going through’ and we ‘don’t need help’. The more people that get involved, the louder this positive message gets.

What does #MoreThanABarber mean to you?

I think for most barbers it is an attitude that’s actually a given and just built in our nature. I’ve been cutting my mates’ hair from day one when I first started out in barbering and to this day when I see them it’s always a good time to check up on them and see if I can do anything to help. The same goes for any clients who I have since met for the first time when they have come to Murdock and sat in my chair for a haircut.

Have many clients also expressed an interest in doing Movember this year?

Yeah, I’ve had a few clients get on board with it so far. Hopefully I can convince a few more to give the ‘tache a go ahead of the 1st!

What encouragement or words of advice would you give to any guys who are undecided about taking part in Movember?

If it’s your first time going for it and you’re feeling a bit sceptical, try getting a bunch of your mates to join in with the fun! Have a laugh together with it to ease any self-consciousness. As much as Movember raises awareness to serious topics, be sure to also have fun while doing the month!

What grooming advice would you give to any guys growing a moustache for the first time (and also potentially looking to go full-beard once Movember is over)?

Be sure to check out our new ‘How To Moustache’ video below to learn how to trim, maintain and style a moustache. We’ve served up some essential facial hair guidance here that’s easy to follow and comes straight from our barbershop.

Growing facial hair is one thing, but looking after it is a whole other game. Instead of letting it get wiry and irritating, don’t sleep on products that have been made especially to look after and improve the condition of beards and moustaches. You will feel so much better for it.

As for growing the beard out after, I’m a big advocate for beards. Having taken some dedicated care with a moustache for a month, you will be more than ready to give a full beard a try and see what happens!

Can you see yourself keeping the Mo beyond December 1st?

I’ll definitely be growing my full beard back out in December. I need my face blanket for the colder months!

For more information about Movember and ways to get involved ahead of November 1st, head to:

If you are taking part in Movember be sure to tag us in your journey - @murdocklondon. We will be celebrating the efforts of Murdock Men across our socials through the month and have some great grooming prizes to give away

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